
Summary of the main trends in the world of GitHub

Welcome, this time we are going to review the annual report Octoverse de GitHub.
This report is a valuable source of information that allows us to know the trends and patterns in the software development universe on the GitHub platform.
From the most popular programming languages to the most active projects, the Octoverse gives us a complete overview of the state of the art in the industry of technology. As programmers, this information is critical to making informed decisions about our career and technologies to use.
Let's go dig deeper and find out what the Octoverse 2022 report reveals to us.

This report has been carried out since 2012, this would be the tenth edition presented by GitHub. It includes statistics on the most popular programming languages, the The most active projects and collaboration trends in the world of GitHub.

Developer Community

The GitHub community is made up of millions of developers, collaborators and organizations, all working together on projects and solutions technological.

The growth and diversification of the developer community on GitHub is a reflection of the importance of inclusion and representation in the world of technology. Global participation in projects and contributions on GitHub is a indicator of the positive impact that the developer community is having in industry and technology in general.
Let's go to the numbers!

GitHub world

As the number of developers grows, so does the work collaborative, which has had a huge impact on overall productivity metrics.

github community

Developers contribute more to private projects

In 2022, just over 20% of all contributions to GitHub were made on public repositories, which means that the vast majority of developers with free accounts, Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud are working on private repositories.

The number of contributions to private repositories increased by almost 38% compared to 2021.

Among public open source projects, we saw an increase of almost 20% in contributions year after year with over 3.5 billion contributions in 2022 alone.

Development communities stay safer

In 2022, developers updated 50% more vulnerable packages than in 2021, which helped secure 18 million projects on GitHub.

github seguridad

Developers in the world

The steady rise in popularity and usage of GitHub around the world during the year 2022 is a reflection of the importance and value that the platform offers developers.
About 20.5 million developers joined GitHub in 2022, demonstrating the interest and the need for an efficient platform for software development.

  • 20,5M+ new developers joined GitHub in 2022.
  • India It is the country with the highest growth in the population of developers.
  • 85M+ new projects worldwide in 2022

github map

Last year, India's population on the GitHub platform reached a total of 9.75 million of people, and in 2022 more than 2.5 million new people registered in GitHub in India. If this pace persists, we expect the number of users in India to equal the current number of GitHub developers in the United States by 2025.

github graphic

In 2022, there was an increase in GitHub population growth among countries in Asia Pacific, Africa, South America and Europe.

Programming languages

Based on the octoverse report, in this part we will see the ranking of the 10 most used programming languages in 2022. Get ready to discover which languages dominated the market and which are the most promising for the future!

Over the past year, JavaScript has maintained its place as the leader and Python has continued. strong in second place, thanks in large part to its versatility in areas such as development, education, machine learning and data science. TypeScript is also holding steady at number four. However, PHP suffered a dip, going from sixth to seventh place in 2022.

programming languages

javascript JavaScript remains the #1 most used language

python language Python grows with an increase of 22.5%

PHP language PHP slows down as usage declines in 2022

The Hashicorp configuration language (HCL) experienced a significant increase in usage. This momentum is due to the growing interest in the Terraform tool.
Go and Shell experienced significant increases in usage.
Rust saw a 50% increase in its community due to its security and reliability.
Python continued to gain ground on GitHub, up 22.5% year-over-year, driven in part by its utility in data science.

The Octoverse 2022 report paints an interesting picture of programming languages most in demand in the past year.
JavaScript remained in first place as the most popular language, closely followed by Python and Java. Although these three languages are the most widely used, it is also It is important to highlight the growth of other languages such as TypeScript.

This indicates a trend towards diversification in the technology industry and openness to new solutions and tools.
Overall, the Octoverse report demonstrates that programming remains a fundamental part of the digital economy and that Demand for developers with programming language skills remains high.

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