ruby on rails

Discover Ruby on Rails: The Powerful Web Development Framework

Ruby on Rails is an open source framework for developing web applications and that uses the Ruby language. It was created by David Heinemeier Hasson in 2003.
It is composed of libraries that facilitate the creation of web applications in Ruby and is based on the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. metaprogramming Ruby is used in Rails to have a readable syntax, which results in an advantage for developers. RoR combines simplicity and the ability to develop real applications, writing less code and with a configuration minimal compared to other frameworks.

Rails distribution is done through RubyGems, which is the format official for packaging and distribution of libraries and applications in Ruby.

Ruby on Rails was designed to have a readable syntax and resemble the English language, which makes it easy to read and makes it a great Advantage for developers with no prior experience.

What is Ruby?

It is an Interpreted, Reflexive, and Object-Oriented Programming Language. This language was created by Japanese Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto who I present it publicly in 1995.
It has a combination of syntax inspired by in Python and Perl.
This programming language is interpreted in a single passed and its official implementation is distributed under a software license free.

According to its creator, Ruby is designed for productivity and fun from the developer, following the principles of a good user interface.

"I look forward to seeing Ruby help all programmers in the world to be productive, enjoy programming and be happy.
That is the main purpose of the Ruby language.”

--Yukihiro Matsumoto

What are the principles of ruby on rails?

Ruby on Rails is a framework that has the characteristic of being dogmatic because it was designed based on two key principles:
"Don't repeat yourself" or DRY, which prevents developers from writing the same code repetitive. Duplication makes code more complicated, difficult to maintain, and prone to crashes. to errors.
"Convention over Configuration", which means that Rails assumes what you want to do and how you want to do it, and it does it without the need for detailed specifications.

Understanding the MVC Pattern: The Efficient Framework for Web Applications used in ruby on rails.

The MVC Pattern (Model-View-Controller) is a structure commonly used in the Web applications development. It is a software architecture that is responsible for to separate the application logic into three distinct components: the model, the view and the controller.

The Model represents the information and business logic of the application. For example, in an e-commerce application, the model might contain information about the products being sold and the rules for calculating the cost total of a purchase.

The view is responsible for displaying information to the user and receiving input of the user. For example, in an e-commerce application, the view can display a list of products and a form for the user to make a purchase.

The controller acts as an intermediary between the view and the model. is in charge of receiving user requests, consult the model to obtain the necessary information and then submit that information to the view for presentation.

The MVC pattern allows for greater clarity and organization in application code, which facilitates its maintenance and improvement in the long term. It also allows a better separation of responsibilities between the components, which allows a greater application scalability and flexibility.

Ruby on Rails Gems: What are they and what are they for?

Gems are software packages that provide additional functionality to the Ruby on Rails applications. These gems are an important part of the success of Ruby on Rails, as they allow developers to add additional functionality to their applications without having to write the code from scratch.

There are a large number of these gems that can be downloaded and installed from free form.

Some of the most popular and highly valued gems include:

  • Devise: Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
  • Pundit: An authorization gem that provides an easy way to control access to application functionality.
  • Ransack: Ransack is the successor to the MetaSearch gem. It improves and expands upon MetaSearch's functionality, but does not have a 100%-compatible API.
  • CarrierWave: Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.
  • Redis: A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface.
  • Kaminari: Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+
  • haml: (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a clearer and more efficient way of expressing the structure of XHTML or XML documents. It is based on indentation instead of tags and allows easy integration of Ruby code. Haml is a layer on top of XHTML or XML.
  • Shoulda: It's a gem that improves the clarity of testing in a Ruby application. It allows to organize the tests according to a specific characteristic or scenario, providing context to them. This makes the tests more understandable and easier to follow.
  • Capybara: Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates how a user would interact with a website

We at Zipcoders are authors of phishtank_scraper a gem that is part of the solutions offered by this framework.

These gems are just a few examples of the many gems available for Ruby on Rails. Developers can choose from a wide variety of gems to add functionality additions to your applications and improve the user experience.

great websites developed with ruby on rails.

Ruby on rails has been used by numerous companies worldwide obtaining Success for your business and for your customers. There are over 800,000 websites using Rails in the world.

The following are some of those recognizable examples:

  • Airbnb It is a community platform that gives the opportunity to publish and publicize affordable accommodation options in more than 190 nations, both through the internet and through mobile devices.
  • Twitch It is a video streaming service where creators can make their broadcasts and anyone can access to watch them. More than 100 million people access it every month.
  • ThemeForest A template store for those who require an initial design for their project or are looking for a new look to revamp their blog or website. With more than 32,000 theme options and web templates available.
  • Bloomberg Information about economic events. Receives more than 50 million visits per month, with half of them from mobile devices.
  • Imgur Portal dedicated to images and multimedia content.
  • Hulu Very popular video streaming service in the United States of North America.
  • GitHub A development platform that offers the possibility of uploading code repositories to be stored in the Git version control system, in order to publish projects and allow other programmers to participate in their improvement.

Discover the Advantages of Developing Web Applications with Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Ruby on Rails is a very popular web development framework that offers a number of advantages over other frameworks. Below are some of the advantages Ruby on Rails highlights:

Ruby on Rails is designed to be easy to use and to speed up development. Offers a wide range of tools and conventions that make it easy to build applications complex websites with minimal effort.

Ruby on Rails has a large developer community, which means that there are a wealth of online resources, documentation, and solutions to common problems.

Ruby on Rails is highly scalable and has been used successfully to build large web applications. It offers a series of techniques and tools that allow developers to scale the application as needed.

Ruby on Rails offers great flexibility in customizing the application. Developers can choose from a wide variety of plugins, libraries, and other solutions available online to add additional functionality to the application.

Ruby on Rails is known for its focus on security and offers a number of built-in features to protect the application against common attacks, such as SQL injection and request forgery.

In conclusion, Ruby on Rails is designed to speed development, has a large developer community, highly scalable, allows great flexibility to customize the application, and offers a focus on security.

Zipcoders provides agile development solutions with Ruby on Rails.

At zipcoders we have years of experience in web development, offering solutions customized and efficient with Ruby on Rails.
Our team of Ruby experts on Rails provides agile and scalable solutions that perfectly fit your needs. business needs and goals.

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